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Scholarship program

Our scholarship program creates direct contact and close dialogue from human to human.

Through it we create stability and security!

Go One Bugwere eV would like to give children and adolescents access to high-quality  education. For this purpose, a scholarship program was developed together with the Ugandan partner organisation on site, which is based on the individual needs of the children and their families. Students eligible for the scholarship are selected in close cooperation an dmentored by us.


You can support our work with small contributions:

With 30 - 45 € / month we can guarantee full support for one student, which includes e.g. the school fees, boarding fees if applicable, exam fees and school requirements. 


Also with one-off donations you are already a great support for the children and young people:

With a one-time donation of 10 € you can help us to buy school supplies.

With a one-time donation of 50 € we can finance a student's entrance fee for the final exams.


Help us to finance a scholarship in the form of a sponsorship - alone or with your school class, your flatmates, your community, ...


Write to us for more information or send us the completed form directly!


Gaye is currently still attending the government-funded village school. However, in order to have better chances of a recognized qualification and thus good opportunities for further training, he would like to switch to a boarding school.


Fatuma and Namajja, 8th grade

At the beginning of this year, Fatuma and Namajja were able to switch from the village school to a boarding school with the help of financial support. As this support was only a one-off, they would like to receive ongoing support.

Gaye, 8th grade


Unice, 8th grade

Unice changed schools this school year in order to be able to do their middle school leaving certificate (O-levels). She still needs financial support for this.



Training to be an Electrician

Eric started his apprenticeship as an electrician in January 2020.


Charles K., 8th grade

Charles has just switched to secondary school, which in Uganda starts from grade 8. However, his family still lacks the financial means to pay his school fees.



Training as a medical laboratory technician

Moses would like to begin his medical laboratory technician training this year. He is currently preparing for the entrance exam. Since his brothers can finance part of the high school fees, this is a partial scholarship.

You are also welcome to contact us if you would like to finance a partial scholarship - every amount counts!


From 5 € / month you can support us in our work with the scholarships and create a perspective for our students!


Umalu, 8th grade

Umalu is currently attending the village school in Kagumu. For the next school year (January 2021) he would like to switch to boarding school in order to have better chances for his secondary school leaving certificate and high school diploma.

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Go One Bugwere e.V.

c/o Lea und Charles Langha

Im Witten Sand 20

33428 Harsewinkel



Go One Bugwere e.V.

IBAN: DE40 4126 2501 6857 2160 00


Volksbank eG

©2020 Go One Bugwere.

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