Go One Bugwere eV would like to give children and adolescents access to high-quality education. For this purpose, a scholarship program was developed together with the Ugandan partner organisation on site, which is based on the individual needs of the children and their families. Students eligible for the scholarship are selected in close cooperation an dmentored by us.
You can support our work with small contributions:
With 30 - 45 € / month we can guarantee full support for one student, which includes e.g. the school fees, boarding fees if applicable, exam fees and school requirements.
Also with one-off donations you are already a great support for the children and young people:
With a one-time donation of 10 € you can help us to buy school supplies.
With a one-time donation of 50 € we can finance a student's entrance fee for the final exams.
Help us to finance a scholarship in the form of a sponsorship - alone or with your school class, your flatmates, your community, ...
Write to us for more information or send us the completed form directly!